Mus musculus (mm10), chr4:120715326-120715348, forward genomic strand
Your input sequence is 23 bp long. It contains 1 possible guide sequences.
Shown below are their PAM sites and the expected cleavage position located -3bp 5' of the PAM site.
Click on a match for the PAM NGG below to show its 20 bp-long guide sequence. (Need help? Look at the CRISPOR manual)
Colors green, yellow and red indicate high, medium and low specificity of the PAM's guide sequence in the genome.

Variant database: Missing a variant database? We can add it.
Position  0         10        20        
Variants  .......................

Download for: SerialCloner (free) - ApE (free) - GenomeCompiler - Benchling - SnapGene - Geneious - Vector NTI - LaserGene - Genbank - FASTA

Predicted guide sequences for PAMs
Ranked by default from highest to lowest specificity score (Hsu et al., Nat Biot 2013). Click on a column title to rank by a score.
If you use this website, please cite our paper in NAR 2018. Too much information? Look at the CRISPOR manual.

Download as Excel tables: Guides /  Guides, all scores /  Off-targets /  Saturating mutagenesis assistant
Guide Sequence + PAM
+ Restriction Enzymes
+ Variants
Only G- Only GG- Only A-
MIT Specificity Score CFD Spec. score Predicted Efficiency
Show all scores
Outcome Off-targets for
0-1-2-3-4 mismatches
+ next to PAM
Genome Browser links to matches sorted by CFD off-target score
exons only chr4 only
.................... ...
 Cloning / PCR primers
79 91 63 61 69 78 0 - 0 - 1 - 5 - 77
0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 2

83 off-targets
show all...
Download as Excel tables: Guides /  Guides, all scores /  Off-targets /  Saturating mutagenesis assistant
Tab-sep format: Guides /  Off-targets

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CRISPR/Cas9 Guide Designer for chordate vertebrate ecdysozoans lophotrochozoans protostomes spongi corals plants butterflies metazoans genomes fruitflies insects nematodes mammals.